After years of working with hundreds of organizations each involving seemingly endless processes, systems and questions, I realized everything it takes to make an organization effective fits into five buckets.

Whatever organization you lead, whether a business, church, non-profit or a department in an organization, there are five key elements you need to lead.

Effective leaders continually evaluate, adjust and bring energy to these five on-going works.

You may hear them called different names or may organize various activities within these five. But these are the key areas of ongoing achievement.

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If this video is helpful to you, why not do the same?

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Dr. Rich Halcombe

If you are a leader or someone who wants to become a leader, my life mission is to help you achieve kingdom results, personally & organizationally.

God has blessed me to learn, formally and informally, from some incredible leaders, and to use that experience to grow organizations by helping leaders grow. I am currently the Founder of LeaderINCREASE and Executive Director of Strategic Church Network  a network of 139 churches.

The Myth: Organic Growth

The Myth: Organic Growth

The Myth: Organic Growth This myth is most popular among new ministers, regardless of age.  It’s a sophomore mistake. “Organic growth” sounds spiritual and maybe biblical, but it is neither. It also does not work.  Watch today to find out why believing your...

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