Momentum grants you movement towards your preferred future. It gives a sense of accelerating accomplishment, achievement and a whole lot of fun.
Momentum results from clear direction and strategy propelled by a myriad of skills. You feel it when things are rolling in the right direction. People fit their roles and fulfill them with a sense of their own destinies. Momentum also gives you the “wow” factor. Although rarely mentioned, wise leaders focus on it. They understand its importance and work to continue it. Whereas, others may try to ignore it and operate like it isn’t important.
And, two things to know about momentum.
- You need to get it.
- You need to keep it.
And, when you have it, momentum grants you these ten benefits.
1. Momentum lessens criticism.
Small problems can create a lot of “Why did you do that?” “What’s wrong?” “Maybe we need to…” Not so when things accelerate. After all, what’s a small problem when things are going so well?
![Momentum lessens the impact and frequency of criticism.](
2. Momentum decreases energy drain.
Problems will arise. Even with momentum, you must solve the inevitable challenges. A common malformed idea thinks churches or organizations with momentum don’t have problems. That’s not true. Even large, momentum-possessing churches wrestle difficulties. The difference rests in the fact that those problems drain less energy when things go well. You still have problems, but the problems don’t have as much of you.
Momentum means you don’t need a three-hour meeting to solve a two-bit problem.
Rich Halcombe
3. It makes naysayers outliers.
People recognize complainers don’t fit what’s happening when your church or organization is on the move. Your trajectory upward and to the right continually makes those who cling to the bottom farther and farther from reality. Even Jesus faced naysayers, “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?” John 1:46. If you have naysayers, take heart, you are in good company. But, momentum makes them less and less credible.
4. Momentum energizes the organization.
When goals get accomplished and people’s lives change and things roll, momentum infuses enthusiasm. You can feel it. Churches and organizations who reach increasing numbers of people and see lives change possess a continual sense of anticipation. It’s like the air is electrified.
5. Momentum validates & increases your leadership.
“It’s hard to argue with fruit,” as one pastor told me about the network of churches I direct. When things go well under your leadership, people trust you more. They recognize God is using you to create dynamic, positive change. And, that grants you more credibility as the leader.
6. It inspires bigger dreams for the future.
Accomplishment moves you to a higher level. It also provides space for bigger risks. And, those bigger accomplishments raise the bar so the next big accomplishment is easier to reach. People think, “Wow! If we can do this, what more is possible?”
7. It decreases the amount of time it takes to overcome obstacles.
Obstacles still occur. But, the sheer force of forward movement takes care of a lot of small issues that never see the light of day. Because big things happen, little things gather little attention.
This train doesn’t stop for barking dogs.
Darrel Gabbard
8. Momentum attracts high capacity people.
People who want to change the world look for churches or organizations that change the world. Big thinking draws big thinkers.
9. It retains high quality people.
Those same high capacity people want to move with the movers. When your organization keeps hitting those high notes, world-changing people want to keep singing the songs.
10. Momentum off-loads low-functioning people.
Complaining, laziness and incompetence lack a hearing when God is moving. Truth be told, all low-functioning people can become high-functioning people. But, they refuse. They cling to negativity. As it happens, over time small thinking individuals find a different place because the pace doesn’t fit them. Pray for them. Love them. But, don’t make the mission suffer by catering to them.
What are some advantages you have seen for momentum?
Who We Are
LeaderINCREASE helps leaders get clear on where to go and understand how to get there, with less hassle. We understand that choosing to make a difference as a leader isn’t always the easiest.
We focus on providing leaders with resources they need to make a difference and become actionable leaders for their organization. We look forward to helping you achieve your goals as we have done for many others.