One Major Mistake to Avoid When Crafting a Vision

It happens A LOT.

Too often well-meaning leaders reduce what God can do in their lives by making this all-too-frequent error.

You should avoid it if you want to see God do “exceedingly, abundantly above all you ask or think,” (Ephesians 3:20)

Leaders who shoot highest avoid this common blunder.

Thanks for following our videos! If you want the complete picture of the strategy of Jesus, you can find it in the book,

New announcement!

We are in the works to release an online course called The Strategy of Jesus. It’s a video/interactive course to walk you through the process of leading your church using the strategy Jesus used. I’ve done it in person with a number of churches. By doing it online, many more companies, churches and non-profits can strategize to achieve increasing kingdom results!

Dr. Rich Halcombe

If you are a leader or someone who wants to become a leader, my life mission is to help you achieve kingdom results, personally & organizationally.

God has blessed me to learn, formally and informally, from some incredible leaders, and to use that experience to grow organizations by helping leaders grow. I am currently the Founder of LeaderINCREASE and Executive Director of Strategic Church Network  a network of 139 churches.

The Myth: Organic Growth

The Myth: Organic Growth

The Myth: Organic Growth This myth is most popular among new ministers, regardless of age.  It’s a sophomore mistake. “Organic growth” sounds spiritual and maybe biblical, but it is neither. It also does not work.  Watch today to find out why believing your...

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