

We’re here to help you win in life and leadership.

I founded LeaderINCREASE because this is precisely what I wish I had when I was a young leader.

For decades, I had to learn the hard way – in the trenches of my own leadership struggles. As I faced my limitations, I discovered how to lead multiple organizations to achieve successful results while turning around significant declines.

psalm 115:14 May the Lord give you increase

As I learned these hard lessons, everything began to increase…


Experiencing a 24% increase in church attendance year over year


Leading a network of churches that had been in a steep, scary decline to average addition of 7 to 10 churches each year


Raising millions of dollars within a system that had never done it


Providing strategic direction for seven churches to merge into seven other churches, with two others donating their property, resulting in huge increases in results


Earning a doctorate focused on increasing leadership performance


Teaching grad students as a professor for eight years

This experience has allowed me to identify the insights and strategies that help other leaders break through obstacles and achieve their goals.

Through LeaderINCREASE, we’ve gathered decades of leadership wisdom and practice and offer these resources to executive leaders of churches, companies, and non-profit organizations. Today, we help leaders like you experience increase personally & organizationally.

How would it feel to get a clear picture of your mission and plan to achieve your goals? What would change if you had a new set of interpersonal skills to galvanize others around your mission? What would happen if you eliminated sideways energy and led your organization to seismic growth?

With the right resources, you can go a long way. LeaderINCREASE is here for you.